About bizZone

bizZone is a web technology company based in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) in Gormley, just North of Markham, Ontario.

We specialize in building web technologies and we primarily work with associations, helping them implement complex technology solutions that streamline work processes and make their work more efficient.

As a software company, we have two flagship products and a series of modules that can extend the capabilities of our base products.

Driven by Innovation

We specialize in harnessing new and emerging technologies to solve client problems.

The rapid pace of change means monitoring emerging technologies, and adapting with them, is needed to keep up. Our team loves technology and is constantly broadening our understanding and capabilities to ensure that we can give our clients the best advice.

As a result, we find that many of our clients are able to use Built by Biz-Zone solutions for 4-8 years before they need to upgrade, which offers significant cost savings and also minimizes the amount of client training required.

We are able to draw on competencies across all aspects of software and web design to ensure that our clients get the best possible solution. This is in sharp contrast to agencies that specialize in one aspect of development, which limits their advice to a narrower range of expertise.

In building our company we have received support from the National Research Council of Canada (NRC and our local innovation centre, ventureLAB.

Stay Ahead with bizZone

Having been in the web software business since 1998, we are constantly adapting to new technologies, while timing their implementation to match the needs of as many users as possible.


AMSAssociation Management System
CMSContent Management System
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