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Association DNA's New Discovery Search Tool Revolutionizes AMS Reporting

October 23, 2017
Association DNA's New Discovery Search Tool Revolutionizes AMS Reporting

A passion for innovation is part of our fundamental essence, so when we decided to tackle some very difficult issues around building complex reports for our association client, we didn't look at how we could improve what we already had - we asked ourselves how we could reinvent and transform the fundamental underpinnings of what it means to search and build reports in an association management system.

The final result after a deeply complex research and development project was our new Discovery Search tool.

Designed from a fundamentally different approach from traditional AMS reporting tools, Discovery is designed to help associations quickly and easily get answers from their membership database.

Unlike standard reporting tools, which are designed to progressively add results to a report, the Discovery tool is designed to get everything related to your search and then make it easy to refine the results based on the criteria relevant to your association.

We have also introduced a new idea, a global results view, that quickly pivots your search results to sort related data together. Want to know all of the contacts in a member company? The new global makes that easy, as you can quickly a single row for each company, with all the people in that company clearly identified.

We encourage associations to book a demo today - as the best way to understand how this amazing new tool works is to see it in action.


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